Season's Greetings

Like most people, I am finishing this year in a very different position to where I started. Having launched my own business in September this year, if you had asked me back in January, I never would have thought this was possible and it had not even been on my radar. Going from a high paced role working on large prestigious projects, to taking on the role of teacher during the extensive lockdown period, I have found the strength to move on and take on new challenges after I was made redundant, whilst still following my passion for the air quality agenda.

Air quality remains a hot topic in the media, only last week in the news, a coroner made legal history by ruling that air pollution was a cause of the death of a nine-year-old girl in London. Also, whilst it has been widely reported in the media that there have been clear improvements in air quality due to lockdown, and we continually hear the phrase about a new normal, it is important to note that these trends are not just solely because of the pandemic but are also typical of UK seasonal conditions. Therefore, more needs to be done to ensure improvements in air quality are more widely seen.
Lots of people have concerns about air quality, but perhaps do not realise that we can all make some effort to try and reduce emissions and thus go some way to improving air quality. My two young daughters know all about air pollution (yes, I probably go on about it a little too much!) and point out how much air pollution there is when cars are sat idling at their school gates. By educating those youngest in society, we can raise the awareness that something needs to be done and that society does need to make changes to improve air quality. I am not talking about huge changes if you are not ready, but just something as simple as having a day off from your car or walking the kids to school, or perhaps avoid burning at home. If you want to go a little bit further perhaps consider going electric as your next car choice, although I appreciate that there is still a long way to go for the charging infrastructure to catch up and for prices to become more affordable.
As I draw the post to a conclusion, I would like to thank all of you that have supported me on my new journey and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please stay tuned as my blogs will be continued in the New Year…